Bridging with sync code

In most examples of using Tokio, we mark the main function with #[tokio::main] and make the entire project asynchronous.

In some cases, you may need to run a small portion of synchronous code. For more information on that, see spawn_blocking.

In other cases, it may be easier to structure the application as largely synchronous, with smaller or logically distinct asynchronous portions. For instance, a GUI application might want to run the GUI code on the main thread and run a Tokio runtime next to it on another thread.

This page explains how you can isolate async/await to a small part of your project.

What #[tokio::main] expands to

The #[tokio::main] macro is a macro that replaces your main function with a non-async main function that starts a runtime and then calls your code. For instance, this:

async fn main() {
    println!("Hello world");

is turned into this:

fn main() {
        .block_on(async {
            println!("Hello world");

by the macro. To use async/await in our own projects, we can do something similar where we leverage the block_on method to enter the asynchronous context where appropriate.

A synchronous interface to mini-redis

In this section, we will go through how to build a synchronous interface to mini-redis by storing a Runtime object and using its block_on method. In the following sections, we will discuss some alternate approaches and when you should use each approach.

The interface that we will be wrapping is the asynchronous Client type. It has several methods, and we will implement a blocking version of the following methods:

To do this, we introduce a new file called src/clients/ and initialize it with a wrapper struct around the async Client type:

use tokio::net::ToSocketAddrs;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;

pub use crate::clients::client::Message;

/// Established connection with a Redis server.
pub struct BlockingClient {
    /// The asynchronous `Client`.
    inner: crate::clients::Client,

    /// A `current_thread` runtime for executing operations on the
    /// asynchronous client in a blocking manner.
    rt: Runtime,

impl BlockingClient {
    pub fn connect<T: ToSocketAddrs>(addr: T) -> crate::Result<BlockingClient> {
        let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()

        // Call the asynchronous connect method using the runtime.
        let inner = rt.block_on(crate::clients::Client::connect(addr))?;

        Ok(BlockingClient { inner, rt })

Here, we have included the constructor function as our first example of how to execute asynchronous methods in a non-async context. We do this using the block_on method on the Tokio Runtime type, which executes an asynchronous method and returns its result.

One important detail is the use of the current_thread runtime. Usually when using Tokio, you would be using the default multi_thread runtime, which will spawn a bunch of background threads so it can efficiently run many things at the same time. For our use-case, we are only going to be doing one thing at the time, so we won't gain anything by running multiple threads. This makes the current_thread runtime a perfect fit as it doesn't spawn any threads.

The enable_all call enables the IO and timer drivers on the Tokio runtime. If they are not enabled, the runtime is unable to perform IO or timers.

Because the current_thread runtime does not spawn threads, it only operates when block_on is called. Once block_on returns, all spawned tasks on that runtime will freeze until you call block_on again. Use the multi_threaded runtime if spawned tasks must keep running when not calling block_on.

Once we have this struct, most of the methods are easy to implement:

use bytes::Bytes;
use std::time::Duration;

impl BlockingClient {
    pub fn get(&mut self, key: &str) -> crate::Result<Option<Bytes>> {

    pub fn set(&mut self, key: &str, value: Bytes) -> crate::Result<()> {
        self.rt.block_on(self.inner.set(key, value))

    pub fn set_expires(
        &mut self,
        key: &str,
        value: Bytes,
        expiration: Duration,
    ) -> crate::Result<()> {
        self.rt.block_on(self.inner.set_expires(key, value, expiration))

    pub fn publish(&mut self, channel: &str, message: Bytes) -> crate::Result<u64> {
        self.rt.block_on(self.inner.publish(channel, message))

The Client::subscribe method is more interesting because it transforms the Client into a Subscriber object. We can implement it in the following manner:

/// A client that has entered pub/sub mode.
/// Once clients subscribe to a channel, they may only perform
/// pub/sub related commands. The `BlockingClient` type is
/// transitioned to a `BlockingSubscriber` type in order to
/// prevent non-pub/sub methods from being called.
pub struct BlockingSubscriber {
    /// The asynchronous `Subscriber`.
    inner: crate::clients::Subscriber,

    /// A `current_thread` runtime for executing operations on the
    /// asynchronous client in a blocking manner.
    rt: Runtime,

impl BlockingClient {
    pub fn subscribe(self, channels: Vec<String>) -> crate::Result<BlockingSubscriber> {
        let subscriber = self.rt.block_on(self.inner.subscribe(channels))?;
        Ok(BlockingSubscriber {
            inner: subscriber,
            rt: self.rt,

impl BlockingSubscriber {
    pub fn get_subscribed(&self) -> &[String] {

    pub fn next_message(&mut self) -> crate::Result<Option<Message>> {

    pub fn subscribe(&mut self, channels: &[String]) -> crate::Result<()> {

    pub fn unsubscribe(&mut self, channels: &[String]) -> crate::Result<()> {

So, the subscribe method will first use the runtime to transform the asynchronous Client into an asynchronous Subscriber. Then, it will store the resulting Subscriber together with the Runtime and implement the various methods using block_on.

Note that the asynchronous Subscriber struct has a non-async method called get_subscribed. To handle this, we simply call it directly without involving the runtime.

Other approaches

The above section explains the simplest way to implement a synchronous wrapper, but it is not the only way. The approaches are:

We already saw the first approach. The two other approaches are outlined below.

Spawning things on a runtime

The Runtime object has a method called spawn. When you call this method, you create a new background task to run on the runtime. For example:

use tokio::runtime::Builder;
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};

fn main() {
    let runtime = Builder::new_multi_thread()

    let mut handles = Vec::with_capacity(10);
    for i in 0..10 {

    // Do something time-consuming while the background tasks execute.
    println!("Finished time-consuming task.");

    // Wait for all of them to complete.
    for handle in handles {
        // The `spawn` method returns a `JoinHandle`. A `JoinHandle` is
        // a future, so we can wait for it using `block_on`.

async fn my_bg_task(i: u64) {
    // By subtracting, the tasks with larger values of i sleep for a
    // shorter duration.
    let millis = 1000 - 50 * i;
    println!("Task {} sleeping for {} ms.", i, millis);


    println!("Task {} stopping.", i);
Task 0 sleeping for 1000 ms.
Task 1 sleeping for 950 ms.
Task 2 sleeping for 900 ms.
Task 3 sleeping for 850 ms.
Task 4 sleeping for 800 ms.
Task 5 sleeping for 750 ms.
Task 6 sleeping for 700 ms.
Task 7 sleeping for 650 ms.
Task 8 sleeping for 600 ms.
Task 9 sleeping for 550 ms.
Task 9 stopping.
Task 8 stopping.
Task 7 stopping.
Task 6 stopping.
Finished time-consuming task.
Task 5 stopping.
Task 4 stopping.
Task 3 stopping.
Task 2 stopping.
Task 1 stopping.
Task 0 stopping.

In the above example, we spawn 10 background tasks on the runtime, then wait for all of them. As an example, this could be a good way of implementing background network requests in a graphical application because network requests are too time consuming to run them on the main GUI thread. Instead, you spawn the request on a Tokio runtime running in the background, and have the task send information back to the GUI code when the request has finished, or even incrementally if you want a progress bar.

In this example, it is important that the runtime is configured to be a multi_thread runtime. If you change it to be a current_thread runtime, you will find that the time consuming task finishes before any of the background tasks start. This is because background tasks spawned on a current_thread runtime will only execute during calls to block_on as the runtime otherwise doesn't have anywhere to run them.

The example waits for the spawned tasks to finish by calling block_on on the JoinHandle returned by the call to spawn, but this isn't the only way to do it. Here are some alternatives:

  • Use a message passing channel such as tokio::sync::mpsc.
  • Modify a shared value protected by e.g. a Mutex. This can be a good approach for a progress bar in a GUI, where the GUI reads the shared value every frame.

The spawn method is also available on the Handle type. The Handle type can be cloned to get many handles to a runtime, and each Handle can be used to spawn new tasks on the runtime.

Sending messages

The third technique is to spawn a runtime and use message passing to communicate with it. This involves a bit more boilerplate than the other two approaches, but it is the most flexible approach. You can find a basic example below:

use tokio::runtime::Builder;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;

pub struct Task {
    name: String,
    // info that describes the task

async fn handle_task(task: Task) {
    println!("Got task {}",;

pub struct TaskSpawner {
    spawn: mpsc::Sender<Task>,

impl TaskSpawner {
    pub fn new() -> TaskSpawner {
        // Set up a channel for communicating.
        let (send, mut recv) = mpsc::channel(16);

        // Build the runtime for the new thread.
        // The runtime is created before spawning the thread
        // to more cleanly forward errors if the `unwrap()`
        // panics.
        let rt = Builder::new_current_thread()

        std::thread::spawn(move || {
            rt.block_on(async move {
                while let Some(task) = recv.recv().await {

                // Once all senders have gone out of scope,
                // the `.recv()` call returns None and it will
                // exit from the while loop and shut down the
                // thread.

        TaskSpawner {
            spawn: send,

    pub fn spawn_task(&self, task: Task) {
        match self.spawn.blocking_send(task) {
            Ok(()) => {},
            Err(_) => panic!("The shared runtime has shut down."),

This example could be configured in many ways. For instance, you could use a Semaphore to limit the number of active tasks, or you could use a channel in the opposite direction to send a response to the spawner. When you spawn a runtime in this way, it is a type of actor.